Archive for May, 2011


Author: Theresa
May 25, 2011

When we were kids growing up at home, it became normal for us to hear our mother shriek from time to time. I guess with ten children, and a husband who was a practical joker, it was to be expected.

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Author: Theresa
May 25, 2011


Several years ago, during a vacation to Prince Edward Island, my husband and I went to an Indian village. In one of the shops we went into, my husband spotted a pure white stuffed Arctic fox that had been mounted on a log. He had to have it. I didn’t want him to get it because to me, there is nothing beautiful about having a dead animal on display in my home. I found it morbid and even disgusting.

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Author: Theresa
May 9, 2011

Life’s most embarrassing moments in public… we’ve all had them where we wish a hole would open up and swallow us so we could escape that painful moment. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the unexpected sneeze in church when you don’t have a tissue with you and you realize that you’ve just sprayed boogers on the back of the person’s hair or clothing in front of you. Or, perhaps it was a stealthy, but lethal smelling fart that sneaked out the cuff of your pant leg. You hope that if you can control the blush, no one will know it was you.

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Author: Theresa
May 7, 2011

Mother’s Day is such a special occasion. I am sure that God smiles on mothers and also on all care givers. In our home, Mother’s Day was treated even more special than birthdays.

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