Author: Theresa
August 6, 2016

There is a stranger in my life that keeps popping up. I don’t know his name, but I’ve seen him many times when he infiltrates my dreams at night. He’s only a few inches taller than I am and he has a modern day short beard and moustache. My guess is that he is in his early thirties. He is of average build, neither fat, nor thin.


Whenever I happen to encounter him in my dreams, it seems to be at a particularly low point in my life. It’s almost as though he knows my deepest feelings.


No matter how bad I feel at times, I am well aware that there are others worse off than I am, so I try to show a positive happy face towards the public. It’s not always easy, but I do my best.


I am old now and my body is stiff and sore all the time. I have no husband and never had any children of my own. Some days I feel so lost and alone in this world. It’s on the worst of those days that this stranger appears in my dreams. All he wants is to hug and be hugged in return. He usually never speaks to me, but last night, he spoke to me for the very first time.


I dreamt that I was entering the grocery store at a very busy time. There were throngs of people going in and out at the same time. I was entering the store just as he was leaving.


“There you are,” he said as he gently wrapped his strong arm around my shoulders. I recognized him immediately.


“I need a hug so badly,” he said as I melted into his warm and powerful embrace.


“Me. too,” I responded as we clung to each other for a few wonderful moments. All my aches and pains seemed to disappear with the power of his hug.


He whispered a simple thank you in my ear as he let go and quickly disappeared into the thick of the crowd.


When I awoke, I had a calm and wonderful feeling as though I had just been hugged by an angel.


This stranger has been following me in my dreams since I was in my twenties and he has never aged. I always recognize him 

when I see him. The power of his hug feeds my spirit for a very long time afterwards.





5 Responses to “HIS POWERFUL HUGS”

  1. Mary Noel Says:

    How fortunate you are to have such wonderful dreams when you need them most.

  2. Linda Shaw Says:

    Awesome…makes me feel peaceful just reading this. Thanks Theresa.

  3. Louise Says:

    Yep it works ! Just ask him for a visit in your evening prayer.

  4. Patsy Says:

    Theresa that’s a lovely story. You’re so fortunate to be gifted with the ability to see, hear, feel, and experience these hapoenings. I envy you.

  5. Louise-Andrée SCULLY Says:

    I think that you are that wonderful person. It also reminds me of my aunt Dollie’s hug when I was going through a rough time while she was visiting my parents in Montreal in the 1970’s. Beautiful memory !

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