Author: Theresa
April 3, 2015






Throughout my entire life, I have had numerous paranormal experiences. So much so, that I have learned how to manage these events so that I don’t lose my mind. To the best of my ability, I don’t acknowledge what transpires. Most of all, my motto is to show no fear. When I see things of a paranormal nature, internally, I simply think how cool that I get to have this experience. As a rule, I am not frightened by the events.


I have learned that when I am stressed about something, that’s when the activity ramps up. My last apartment was extremely active at times, but then I was dealing with the separation from my husband. When I am riding on the crest of a wave through life, not much happens. But when anxiety takes hold, my environment can be a little nuts at times.


Where I live now, not too much happens other than seeing translucent white mists darting around the parlor. It happens day and night. When I moved in here, I turned the lamps on in my parlor and have never turned them off. It may seem funny to say this, but I have a totally unreasonable fear of the darkness. Therefore, the lights stay on, day and night.


Most of the time when I see the mists, they dart across the room at lightning speed. They usually dart across the floor, but on one occasion, one darted up onto the sofa, over the arm rest, then went over the back of it and disappeared. These mist creatures are about six inches tall and appear to be a blurred shape that I can’t identify. I have learned to remain calm.


Frequently at night, I am aware of someone in my room standing just behind me. A few times, I have felt my bed being jostled or bumped. It seems to me that something, or someone, is trying to get my attention and let me know they are here. I have to admit, it is a bit creepy for me, but then, I don’t acknowledge whatever it is.


About a month ago, my sleep was disturbed about four in the morning. I felt someone gently lifting the covers on the bed behind me. I called out to ask who it was, but of course, I got no answer. I called out again and demanded to know who it was, but again, no one answered. I reached my hand behind me. To my utter horror, I touched a very skinny arm. Normally, I have difficulty getting out of bed. Not that night. I shot out of bed so darn fast that I almost went through the window. I couldn’t see anyone. I stood there with my back to the window and stared at my bed. My heart was thumping out of my chest and I could barely breathe. I got the fright of my life. I broke my own cardinal rule about showing no fear. I exhibited ultimate fear. I was definitely not in control of myself that night. Needless to say, that was the end of my sleep that night. It took me a long time to settle myself down.


I have had contact experiences in the past. Once, I was being dragged off my bed in the middle of the night by unseen fingers wrapped tightly around my ankles. I’ve had my feet massaged in the night. As I lay crying in bed one night, I felt three gentle pats on my shoulder. I have even had the covers violently snatched off me three times in one night. Never, ever have I ever reached out and touched an unseen spirit.


I know that not every residence that I have lived in is haunted. It can’t be. I have a strong feeling that because I am sensitive, I attract these things to myself, especially when I am going through an emotional upheaval.



3 Responses to “VISITORS IN THE NIGHT”

  1. Mary N. Says:

    Be interesting to see the comments you get on this one!

  2. Linda Shaw Says:

    After hearing you tell me these stories in the common room with a few other people around, I have to say that reading it here at nearly 11pm all by myself, brings it so much closer. Thanks again Theresa. Unfortunately I don’t have any copies of any of my stories with the exception of the last tow. Uneek the Unicorn, and Anderson and Brooke’s Cat Tales! I took pics of each page before giving them to the respective little girl and little boy that I wrote them for. Some day I’ll print them off and show you. G’Night and have a great sleep..I’ll be waiting for Socks to come visit me in spirit tonight.

  3. Tom Says:

    You’ll have to come visit us sometime to see if you can coax the spooks out at our place! Alex had an experience a couple of years ago when he was playing in his bedroom. The drawer to his night stand, in his paraphrased words, began to quickly and violently open and close multiple times. It caused him to run “scream-crying” out of his room in fright! He hadn’t expressed anything like it prior, nor has he experienced anything since, so I don’t see a reason for him to have made it up. That, coupled with just how upset he was, made it hard not to believe. We were able to persuade him back to his room that night, but not until after much inspection and convincing that the drawer was safe. If you ever feel like making a trip to Ottawa, we’d openly welcome you! 

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