Author: Theresa
May 25, 2011


Several years ago, during a vacation to Prince Edward Island, my husband and I went to an Indian village. In one of the shops we went into, my husband spotted a pure white stuffed Arctic fox that had been mounted on a log. He had to have it. I didn’t want him to get it because to me, there is nothing beautiful about having a dead animal on display in my home. I found it morbid and even disgusting.

Several years earlier on a trip to India, someone had given him a pair of stuffed chipmunks. I kept those dead critters for a while then I told him they were full of bugs so I tossed them out. Now, I had a dead fox to deal with. To tell you the truth, it gave me the shivers. Still, my husband got his way and the white fox took up residence in a choice spot in our parlor.

Life went on and I tried not to look at the thing when I went into the parlor. Both my husband and I were smokers as were many of our friends who came to visit. Over time, the white fox collected dust and smoke stains, but I just ignored it.

One day, someone mentioned that the fox was looking really dirty. Common sense would have said that we should have taken it to a taxidermist to have it cleaned, but that’s not a thought that ever entered my head at that time. I had two Samoyed dogs who were pure white and I bathed them regularly. I didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t bath the fox.

I removed the fox from the log and took it into the shower with me. When I was finished with my own shower, I washed the fox with baby shampoo, just like I did for the dogs. I was surprised at how clean and white it became. Now all I had to do was dry it off.

I didn’t bother getting dressed first. I just took the hair dryer into the bathroom and put the fox on the counter beside the sink and started drying it. It was taking a long time, but then the dogs took a long time to dry also. Doing a tedious monotonous job that took a long time caused my mind to wander to all sorts of different things. I wasn’t really paying too much attention to what I was doing.

I had the back of the fox facing me and I could see its face in the mirror over the sink. At one point,as my mind was wandering, I thought I saw the fox snap its mouth open and closed. It really startled me. My logical brain said it was dead and it couldn’t have done that. I put it down to the fact that the creature gave me the willies at the best of times. I continued drying it, but I have to say that I kept a sharp eye on its mouth at all times.

Once I had the back dry, I turned it around to face me. Just as I was drying its neck under the chin, it happened again. The mouth opened and snapped shut. This time I was sure of what I had seen. I shrieked and jumped back. To say it gave my mind a whiplash is putting it very mildly.

My first thought was that the creature must be possessed. If I had had my clothes on, I would have headed for the hills at that exact moment. Instead, I stood plastered to the wall like a piece of wallpaper. I was too terrified to move. I began to sweat heavily as the terror of it made my breathing fast and shallow. My heartbeat was pounding in my ears. I didn’t know what to do. One thing I did know for sure, there was absolutely no way I was going near that possessed dead creature again. Laugh if you want to, but I did pray for deliverance from whatever entity had taken over the dead fox. You would think that with all my experiences with the paranormal, I wouldn’t freak out over something like this, but I never had an experience like that before. There was nothing in my past experiences that had prepared me for this.

After a quick prayer, I got up the courage to open the bathroom door. I made a beeline into the bedroom to get dressed. While I dressed, my mind raced. I wanted to cut the fox up into a million pieces then throw it in the garbage.

Once I calmed down, I went back into the bathroom and shouted at the fox and at whatever entity had taken residence in it. I told it that by the power of God, I was in control. I snatched it up with the intention of destroying it forever. That’s when I noticed that the mouth had been glued shut and I guessed that the heat from the hairdryer had melted the glue so that when I touched it under the chin, it would cause the mouth to open and close. That was a huge relief. And yes, or course, I felt like an idiot.

After that, I put the fox in a black garbage bag and hid it in the basement. Months later, my husband asked me whatever happened to the fox. I told him it was old and had disintegrated. All he said was, “I see.” I threw it out with the garbage the next day.

Note to self; no more dead animals in my home and if one should come in, no more baths for it.

The End


3 Responses to “ARCTIC FOX”

  1. marybelle Says:

    A good story, well told!

  2. Patsy Says:

    OK, I’m speechless! You showered with a dead fox!!!?? You were surprised it didn’t fare well following the shower!!!?? Holy snapping jaws Batman, what were you thinking?

  3. Leo Says:

    Wonderfully written !
    When Brigitte was just a small girl, 7 years old, we gave her a doll for xmas. One day she said that she hated her doll because during her sleep the doll would come into her bed and grasp her arm very strongly and she would awaken from the pain.

    She would run to our bed and ask to sleep with us and not saying a word about why she would not sleep in her bed.

    Only a few years later did she finally told us all about the doll incident.

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