Author: Theresa
September 8, 2011

The adventures of Misty and Sasha continues

Several years ago, we had a friend named Joseph who is no longer with us. Both my husband and I really liked Joseph. He was a good friend who would give you the shirt off his back. Joseph was a veritable fountain of information. He was in the insurance business, and because of his profession, he had made many, many friends from his contacts. Joseph’s greatest service to his client friends outside of the insurance business was his ability to hook people up who needed something with someone who had that particular knowledge. He knew thousands of people on a personal basis.

Joseph wasn’t obese, but he was a little overweight. His doctor wanted him to lose some weight because he had high blood pressure and a predisposition to diabetes.

He was a single man who lived alone and yet never learned the art of cooking. With few obligations in life and a very comfortable income, Joseph usually ate in restaurants. His doctor told him that he had to stop doing that because restaurants didn’t care about the amount of salt and fat content in their cooking. Joseph’s solution was to hit his friends up for a good home cooked meal now and then. He usually came to our house for either supper, or dessert once a week. I was amused by his openness about it. If he had dinner at our house, he would make arrangements to have dessert at someone else’s house. He had such a huge well of friends to draw from that most of the time he would only go to a person’s house once a month. He constantly made the rounds. He was a very interesting character and my husband and I really enjoyed his company.

One night, Joseph called to find out if we had anything for dessert. I told him I had just made a carrot cake. He was pleased and said he would be right over.

Joseph had a peculiar sounding voice. It was loud and strained and always sounded like someone had him by the throat and was strangling him. Because of the sound of his voice, Misty and Sasha would always run upstairs when he came to visit. All I had to say was that Joseph was coming over and the dogs would run upstairs and hide. It would take them some time before Misty and Sasha would be brave enough to lie down on the top steps and wait for Joseph to leave. That suited Joseph just fine because he had no time for dogs and in truth, he was afraid of them.

I asked him if he wanted to sit in the dining room or in the parlor. He opted for the parlor, but I forgot to tell him not to sit on the armchair. The armchair was usually taken up by Sasha. It was her favourite spot in the house because from that chair, she could see the entire downstairs of the house except for the bathroom.

Joseph was holding his dish of ice cream and cake as he sat himself down on the armchair. I was still in the kitchen doling out dessert for my husband and myself when I heard a panic cry from Joseph. I ran to the parlor just in time to see Sasha jump up on the arm of the chair and climb up onto the cushioned back. She stood up and looked down on Joseph like a buzzard on a high up branch waiting for its prey. It freaked him out. He had his arm wrapped around his bowl of food as he scrambled to get up. He struggled to maintain his grip on his bowl of food so he didn’t lose his ice cream and cake.

He thought Sasha was trying to get his bowl of goodies, but Sasha was only trying to stake her claim to her favourite chair. I laughed myself silly at Joseph’s predicament because when it came to his food, he certainly wasn’t about sharing a crumb of it with anyone, especially a dog.

Once her chair was vacated, Sasha climbed back down onto the seat and snuggled in. Joseph took a seat on the sofa, but he kept a close eye on Sasha, in case she moved from her spot.

More adventures of Misty and Sasha to follow

The End

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