Author: Theresa
August 8, 2011

The adventures of Misty and Sasha continue.

When Misty and Sasha were young dogs, we used to reward them with goodies when they behaved the way we taught them. Our vet told us that it wasn’t a good idea. He said it would be better to reward the dogs with praise and love because dogs live to please their masters.

They were so much fun and a helpful part of our household. Our house was on three levels. The bedrooms were on the top level and the laundry room was in the basement. Having to cart the laundry upstairs was a chore that I found hard. I would always ask my husband to bring the clothes up because he could do it in one trip whereas I would have to make at least three trips.

One Monday, when I was off work, my husband was getting ready for work and he announced that he had no clean underwear or socks. I was in a rush to make breakfast, so I told Sasha to come and help me get the clothes while my husband finished shaving. Sasha immediately sprang to her feet and followed me downstairs. I gave her the underwear and socks that my husband needed and told her to bring it upstairs and put it on the bed.

By the time Sasha got back upstairs, my husband was ready to take his shower. He took off his pyjama top and tossed it towards the bed, but it landed on Sasha’s back. Sasha was so pleased that she lay down on the bed with the pyjama top on her and she cuddled up. Misty jumped up on the bed and tried to take the pyjama top off Sasha, but Sasha growled at her, so Misty backed off.

When it was time for Sasha to go out and do her business, I pulled the pyjama top off her back as she was on her way out the door. She was clearly annoyed with me, but I couldn’t have her walking around the neighbourhood with my husband’s pyjama top draped over her back.

When Sasha came back from her walk, she was looking for the pyjama top. Just for fun, I got it and draped it over her back. She walked carefully into the parlor and lay down. I’m not sure why, but it seemed to mean a lot to her to be wearing the pyjama top. She strutted around the house all day wearing that top and she was very careful not to let it fall off her back. Every time she passed Misty, she would give Misty an arrogant look as though she was telling her to eat her heart out because she, Sasha, was the princess and this was her royal robe. For some reason unknown to me, it really bothered Misty.

That pyjama top started a new routine in our house. Every morning, Sasha would wait for the pyjama top to be draped over her back. One day, Sasha was out doing her business and Misty lay on the bed. When my husband tossed his top into the bedroom, it landed on Misty’s back. When Sasha came back upstairs and noticed that Misty had the pyjama top on her back, a war started. The barking, snarling and growling sounded so serious. Sasha unceremoniously ripped the top off Misty’s back and ran downstairs with it. She brought it to me so I could put it on her back. Now, Misty’s feelings were hurt. Oh, my goodness, they were such emotionally sensitive little creatures.

Not wanting Misty’s feelings to be hurt, I put an old dish towel over her back and then she felt special too. They kept that up for months then they both seemed to lose interest in it after that.

The End

More adventures with Misty and Sasha will follow.


One Response to “THE PRINCESSES’ ROBE”

  1. Louise Says:


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